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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1812 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Normal Create Matter - Opponent advocate issue 02/16/2023 07:46 AM Actions
1809 V3 - Web - Timesheets Bug New Normal Timesheets - Not submitted - Minutes and edit issue 03/30/2023 06:08 AM Actions
1794 Android - Documents Bug New High Document Management - View Firm - The same fields as on the View Client Page are visible here. Select groups, Sub categories fields should appear in view firm page Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 11:00 AM Actions
1793 Android - Documents Bug New High Document Management - Upload Client /Firm - Select client / groups - browse file - Click on add tag - Click on save without entering any value in add tag window - View Tags will be added for that file. Rajendra Sai 02/09/2023 06:31 AM Actions
1792 Android - Documents Bug New Normal Document Management - Upload Client /Firm - Select client / groups - browse multiple documents - Add tag - Select All checkbox issues Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 10:48 AM Actions
1791 Android - Documents Bug New Urgent Document Management - View Client - List of names not appears and Search box does not response and Image should be appear but it appear edit metadata tab. Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 10:33 AM Actions
1790 Android - Documents Bug New Urgent Document Management - Upload Firm - List of categories not appear Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 10:19 AM Actions
1789 Android - Documents Bug New Normal Document Management - Upload Client / Firm - Upload the same document three times - Click on Remove document - Only one document should be remove but 2 documents are removed. Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 10:10 AM Actions
1788 Android - Documents Bug New Normal Document Management - Upload Firm - Click on Select groups - Select multiple groups - Click on Cancel - Again click on select groups - Still, checkboxes for groups are checked. Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 10:09 AM Actions
1787 Android - Documents Bug New High Document Management - Upload Client / Firm - Click edit metadata - Upload the multiple document - Edit Metadata is highlighted but edit metadata symbol is not appear Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 10:02 AM Actions
1786 Android - Documents Bug New Urgent Document Management - Upload Client / Firm - Edit Metadata issue Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 09:56 AM Actions
1785 Android - Documents Bug New Normal Document Management - Upload Client - Matter is not mandatory and Edit metadata text not appear fully and Select documents [After upload the document, hint name shouldnot appear] Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 09:42 AM Actions
1784 Android - Documents Bug New High Document Management - Upload Client / Firm - Select the Client name , Select the Document - Click on Cancel , Enable and Disable download not response. Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 09:42 AM Actions
1783 Android - Documents Bug New Normal Document Management - Upload Client - Client Name - Without select the client name - Default appears " Raksha Bharadwaj" / Same issue in Matter also / Switch the tab also - Change the hint name for Client name and Matter as per design. Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 09:35 AM Actions
1782 Android - Documents Bug New Immediate Document Management - Upload document for client is not working Rajendra Sai 02/08/2023 09:54 AM Actions
1780 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Low View Matter - View Details - Documents - Add New - Upload New - Alignments , Text change , Color not as per design 02/07/2023 04:50 AM Actions
1779 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Normal View Matter [Legal/General] - View Details - TeamMembers - Clients - Member who created this matters ; his name does not appear in the Team Members list, but it did appear in the Team Members list. 02/07/2023 04:20 AM Actions
1775 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Normal View Matter - View Details - Document [Upload New] Issue 02/02/2023 10:27 AM Actions
1774 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Low View Matter - View Details - Document [Upload New] Issue - Drag and Drop issue 03/22/2023 04:27 AM Actions
1773 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Normal All Input fields of matter - Space validation should be done - User should be allowed add only space as input values 02/01/2023 12:33 PM Actions
1771 V3 - Web - Documents Bug New High Upload document(firm/client) /Edit info/ search bar / tags fields - All input fields - space vaidation is required - If users gives first and last characters as space , it should be trimed 01/31/2023 05:27 AM Actions
1769 V3 - Web - Chats Bug New High Chat - Client/team - Space validation for search box (List of Group - search , Client - search, Chat message- search) and sending space as a message should be restictied 01/30/2023 09:29 AM Actions
1768 V3 - Web - Chats Bug New High Chats - Client/team member - Message sending time is captured only at the sending time, It disappears after when user switch to any other module and comes back to chat. Receiving message time is not captured at all 01/30/2023 08:31 AM Actions
1766 V3 - Web - Documents Bug New Normal Upload Client/Firm Documents - browse the same document twice - It won't appear after browsing 03/16/2023 07:07 AM Actions
1762 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New Normal Create Matter - General - The start and end dates Manually entering should not be allowed. 01/25/2023 05:44 AM Actions
(701-725/1055) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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