

Vengadeshwaran R

  • Login: vengadesh
  • Registered on: 07/28/2022
  • Last connection: 09/26/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 61 207 268
Reported issues 352 869 1221


Project Roles Registered on
AV Chat Reporter 06/06/2024
Coffer Connect - Version 3 Reporter 03/19/2024
Document - Issues Reporter 03/20/2024
Relationships - Issues Reporter 03/19/2024
ContentCoffer Version 3 Reporter 03/19/2024
Doc-Editor - ContentCoffer Reporter 03/22/2024
Documents - Issues Reporter 03/20/2024
Relationship Module - ContentCoffer Reporter 03/19/2024
DG Counsel Reporter 12/05/2023
Chat - DG counsel Reporter 06/28/2024
Document Web Reporter 03/06/2024
Document -API/Functionality Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Documents - Flow Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Documents - UI Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Group - DG Counsel Reporter 05/21/2024
Group - API/Functionality Issues Reporter 05/21/2024
Group - UI Issues Reporter 05/21/2024
iOS - DG Counsel Reporter 06/21/2024
Matter Web Reporter 03/06/2024
Matter - Internal Matters Reporter 03/06/2024
Interanl Matter - Flow Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Internal Matter - API/Functionality issue Reporter 03/06/2024
Internal Matter - UI Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Matters - External Matters Reporter 03/06/2024
External Matters - API/Functionality Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
External Matters - Flow Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
External Matters - UI Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Notifications - DG Counsel - web Reporter 06/28/2024
Relationships Web Reporter 03/06/2024
Relationship - API/Functionality Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Relationship - Flow Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Relationships - UI Issues Reporter 03/06/2024
Lauditor - V3 Reporter 09/23/2022
Lauditor V3 - Mobile - Android Reporter 09/23/2022
Android - Documents Reporter 02/08/2023
Android - Groups Reporter 12/12/2022
Android - Login Reporter 12/12/2022
Android - Matters Reporter 03/02/2023
Android - Relationships Reporter 12/28/2022
Android - Team Member Reporter 12/12/2022
TeamMemebrs - Android Reporter 04/10/2024
Lauditor V3 - Tab - Android Reporter 09/23/2022
Lauditor V3 - Tab - iOS Reporter 09/23/2022
Lauditor V3 - Web - Chrome,Edge,Firefox,Safari Reporter 09/23/2022
V3 - Web - Audit Trails Reporter 02/16/2023
V3 - Web - Calendar Reporter 01/02/2023
V3 - Web - Chats Reporter 01/17/2023
V3 - Web - Dashboard Reporter 09/26/2022
V3 - Web - Documents Reporter 10/11/2022
V3 - Web - Emails Reporter 02/20/2023
V3 - Web - Groups Reporter 09/26/2022
V3 - Web - Login page Reporter 10/17/2022
V3 - Web - Matter Management Reporter 10/03/2022
V3 - Web - Notifications Reporter 02/20/2023
V3 - Web - Relationships Reporter 09/26/2022
V3 - Web - Team Member Reporter 09/28/2022
V3 - Web - Timesheets Reporter 01/02/2023
Lauditor Version 3 Bugs Reporter 06/05/2023
Lauditor V3 - Mobile - iOS Reporter 09/23/2022
iOS - Calendar Reporter 02/15/2023
iOS - Chat(Message) Reporter 02/21/2023
iOS - Dashboard Reporter 11/14/2022
iOS - Doc-Editor Reporter 05/30/2024
iOS - Documents Reporter 01/05/2023
iOS - Groups Reporter 11/14/2022
iOS - Login Reporter 11/02/2022
iOS - Matters Reporter 02/15/2023
iOS - Relationships Reporter 12/20/2022
iOS - Team Member Reporter 11/15/2022
iOS - Timesheet Reporter 02/15/2023
iOS -Audit Trails Reporter 03/02/2023
Lauditor V3 - Web Reporter 04/26/2024
Audit Trails Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Calendar Web - V3 Reporter 06/05/2023
Calendar - Flow Issues Reporter 06/05/2023
Calendar - Functionality/API Issue Reporter 06/05/2023
Calendar - UI Issues Reporter 06/05/2023
Dashboard Web -V3 (All user types) Reporter 04/26/2024
Doc Editor Reporter 04/26/2024
Latex Editor - Flow issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Latex Editor - Miscellaneous Reporter 04/26/2024
Latex Editor - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Document Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Document - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Document - Flow Issue Reporter 04/26/2024
Document - Functionality/ API Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
MergePDF Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
MergePDF - Flow issues Reporter 04/26/2024
MergePDF - Functionality/API Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
MergePDF - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Emails Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Group Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Group - Flow Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Group - Functionality/ API Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Group - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Invoice Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Invoice - API/ Functionality issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Invoice - Flow Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Invoice - UI issues Reporter 07/06/2023
Matter Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Matter - Flow Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Matter - Functionality /API Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Matter - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Message(Chat) Web -V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Notifications Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Payment gateway - Web - Lauditor Reporter 04/26/2024
Relationship Web -V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Relationships - Flow Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Relationships - Functionality/API Issue Reporter 04/26/2024
Relationships - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Team Member Web -V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Team Member - Flow issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Team Member - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Team Member - Functionality/API Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Timesheets Web - V3 Reporter 04/26/2024
Timesheets - Flow Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Timesheets - Functionality/ API Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
Timesheets - UI Issues Reporter 04/26/2024
LauditorV3 - Mobile- android Reporter 04/03/2024
Audit Trails - Android Reporter 04/10/2024
Dashboard - Android Reporter 04/30/2024
Document - Android Reporter 04/10/2024
Email - Android Reporter 09/17/2024
Groups - Android Reporter 04/11/2024
Login - Android Reporter 04/03/2024
Matters - Android Reporter 04/03/2024
Meetings - Android Reporter 04/11/2024
Message(Chat) - Android Reporter 05/06/2024
Notifications - Android Reporter 05/06/2024
Relationship - Android Reporter 04/05/2024
Team Member - Android Reporter 04/16/2024
Timesheet - Android Reporter 04/10/2024
VitaGist - Android App(New) Reporter 05/07/2024
Connections - VitaGist Reporter 05/07/2024
Dashboard - VitaGist Reporter 09/25/2024
Documents - VitaGist Reporter 05/07/2024
Edit Profile - VitaGist Reporter 06/14/2024
Health - VitaGist Reporter 05/07/2024
Register and Login Page Reporter 05/07/2024
vitagist android app - Older version Reporter 07/28/2022
vitagist ios app Reporter 08/06/2024
vitagist web app Reporter 07/28/2022



11:19 AM Matters - Android Bug #3392 (New): View Matter [Legal ] - Edit matter info : Invalid alert appear while clicking on left or right arrow in added opponent advocate.

* Login to Lauditor.
* Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
* Choose either the "Legal...
Vengadeshwaran R
10:00 AM Matters - Android Bug #3388 (New): View Matter [Legal / General] - Edit matter info : The "Next" button should remain disabled until a change is made.

1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Legal"...
Vengadeshwaran R
09:59 AM Matters - Android Bug #3387 (New): View Matter [Legal / General ] - View Details - Team Member : Owner name not appearing in Selected Team Member list.
1. Login to Lauditor. [User: Super User]
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choo...
Vengadeshwaran R
09:53 AM Matters - Android Bug #3386 (New): View Matter [Legal / General] - View Details - Timeline: The "Corporate Notes" radio button should not be displayed for selected Individual or Entity clients.
1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Lega...
Vengadeshwaran R
09:45 AM Matters - Android Bug #3385 (New): View Matter [Legal / General] - View Details : The "Save" button should remain disabled until a change is made on the Groups, Clients, or Document page.

1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Legal"...
Vengadeshwaran R
09:42 AM Matters - Android Bug #3384 (New): View Matter [Legal / General] - View Details : Remove the Temp Client and Corporate Clients Tab.

1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Le...
Vengadeshwaran R
09:37 AM Matters - Android Bug #3383 (New): Create Matter [Legal / General] - Client :The checkbox does not appear for the selected corporate clients. [Corporate Clients only]
1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Leg...
Vengadeshwaran R
09:33 AM Matters - Android Bug #3382 (New): Create Matter [Legal / General] - Group / Clients: Upon clicking 'Save', an alert appears saying 'Please add a client' even though a client has already been selected. [Corporate Client only].
1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Legal" o...
Vengadeshwaran R


10:45 AM Matters - Android Bug #3375 (New): Create Matter [Legal / General] - Document : Invalid Error message appears while removing the documents.
1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Legal" o...
Vengadeshwaran R
10:31 AM Matters - Android Bug #3374 (New): Create Matter [Legal / General] - Client : The names of removed clients still appear in the dropdown input box..

1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the menu and select the "Matter" tab.
3. Choose either the "Legal"...
Vengadeshwaran R

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