

Shobhika K

  • Login: shobhika
  • Registered on: 04/08/2024
  • Last connection: 12/31/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 139 66 205
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
AV Chat Developer 10/15/2024
Mobile - Android - DG Counsel Developer 01/30/2025
Audit Trails - Android - DGC Developer 02/10/2025
Dashboard - Android - DGC Developer 02/10/2025
Departments - Android - DGC Developer 01/31/2025
Document - Android - DGC Developer 01/30/2025
Email - Android - DGC Developer 02/11/2025
Login - Android - DGC Developer 02/10/2025
Matters - Android - DGC Developer 02/10/2025
Meetings - Android - DGC Developer 02/07/2025
Members - Android - DGC Developer 02/04/2025
Messages - Android - DGC Developer 02/07/2025
Notifications - Android - DGC Developer 02/10/2025
Relationship - Android - DGC Developer 01/31/2025
MergePDF - Flow issues Developer 10/15/2024
LauditorV3 - Mobile- android Developer 04/08/2024
Audit Trails - Android Developer 04/10/2024
Dashboard - Android Developer 04/30/2024
Document - Android Developer 04/10/2024
Email - Android Developer 09/17/2024
Groups - Android Developer 04/11/2024
Login - Android Developer 04/08/2024
Matters - Android Developer 04/08/2024
Meetings - Android Developer 04/11/2024
Message(Chat) - Android Developer 05/06/2024
Notifications - Android Developer 05/06/2024
Relationship - Android Developer 04/08/2024
Team Member - Android Developer 04/16/2024
Timesheet - Android Developer 04/10/2024
VitaGist - Android App(New) Developer 05/07/2024
Connections - VitaGist Developer 05/07/2024
Dashboard - VitaGist Developer 09/25/2024
Documents - VitaGist Developer 05/07/2024
Edit Profile - VitaGist Developer 06/14/2024
Health - VitaGist Developer 05/07/2024
Register and Login Page Developer 05/07/2024



10:49 AM VitaGist - Android App(New) Bug #3634 (Resolved): Chat - application crashes when a user stays on the chat screen and receives a message from the other end.
Shobhika K
07:54 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3633 (Resolved): Care plan - Exercise - Users should be able to create a new exercise with either weight or distance, but not both simultaneously.
Shobhika K
06:57 AM Edit Profile - VitaGist Bug #3632 (Resolved): Edit Profile - Country affiliation - application crashes when attempting to add a country affiliation.
Shobhika K
04:43 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3623 (Resolved): Devices - Manual Devices become invisible even when 'No' is selected in the confirmation popup.
Shobhika K
04:42 AM Documents - VitaGist Bug #3622 (Resolved): Documents - Legal/Finance: Documents become invisible even if the user selects 'No' in the confirmation popup.
Shobhika K
04:42 AM AV Chat Bug #3436 (Resolved): VitaGist / Lauditor - Android : Receiver screen is not visible for who initiated the call and voice also not audible.
Shobhika K
04:42 AM VitaGist - Android App(New) Bug #3465 (Resolved): Chat : After joining the call, the first name should appear in the frame below, but instead, the last name is displayed.
Shobhika K
04:41 AM Documents - VitaGist Bug #3616 (Resolved): VitaGist_Android_production (View Documents):- The United Kingdom identity document type should be changed according to iOS.
Shobhika K
04:41 AM Edit Profile - VitaGist Bug #3613 (Resolved): Recurring Issue: VitaGist_Android_production (EditProfile):- The user updated details such as blood group, gender, and ethnicity in the Edit Profile section. These details will appear in the homepage notifications.
Shobhika K
04:41 AM Register and Login Page Bug #3612 (Resolved): VitaGist_Android_production (Loginpage):- The 'Forgot Password' reset emails are not being received by the user.
Shobhika K

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