

Shobhika K

  • Login: shobhika
  • Registered on: 04/08/2024
  • Last connection: 09/25/2024


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Assigned issues 95 24 119
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
LauditorV3 - Mobile- android Developer 04/08/2024
Audit Trails - Android Developer 04/10/2024
Dashboard - Android Developer 04/30/2024
Document - Android Developer 04/10/2024
Email - Android Developer 09/17/2024
Groups - Android Developer 04/11/2024
Login - Android Developer 04/08/2024
Matters - Android Developer 04/08/2024
Meetings - Android Developer 04/11/2024
Message(Chat) - Android Developer 05/06/2024
Notifications - Android Developer 05/06/2024
Relationship - Android Developer 04/08/2024
Team Member - Android Developer 04/16/2024
Timesheet - Android Developer 04/10/2024
VitaGist - Android App(New) Developer 05/07/2024
Connections - VitaGist Developer 05/07/2024
Dashboard - VitaGist Developer 09/25/2024
Documents - VitaGist Developer 05/07/2024
Edit Profile - VitaGist Developer 06/14/2024
Health - VitaGist Developer 05/07/2024
Register and Login Page Developer 05/07/2024



11:26 AM Connections - VitaGist Bug #2803: Connections - Share Document : After selecting the document, the 'revisit the same document' checkbox should be checked, but it was unchecked.
In web , we have same issue. Shobhika K
11:25 AM Connections - VitaGist Bug #2835 (Resolved): Connection - Existing connections, Document tags in the ‘Share Document’ section, all tags should be displayed, whether they have associated documents or not.
Shobhika K
11:21 AM Connections - VitaGist Bug #2841 (Resolved): Connections- The Shared Dcoument types of tags Icons and count text should be changed as per design
Shobhika K
11:18 AM Connections - VitaGist Bug #3082 (Resolved): Connections: - In Connections, select any relationship, and click on ‘Message.’ If the message doesn’t send, return to the connection page. When you press the expand arrow, it will automatically switch to the Chat model.
Shobhika K
11:14 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #2975 (Feedback): VitaGist[v1.0.2] - Health - Search box is missing, It should be implemented.
in IOS , search box filtering is not implemented. Shobhika K
11:12 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3166 (Resolved): VitaGist Beta Version 2 - Health Info[ Medical Condition ] - responsive issues
Shobhika K
11:11 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3297 (Resolved): VitaGist - 10 - Health [Immunization] - Null vaccination entry is added when COVID is selected as the vaccine
Shobhika K
11:11 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3154 (Resolved): VitaGist Beta Version 2 - Health Info [ Insurance] - Application is loading if all field are filled by the user in insurance
Shobhika K
11:05 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3161 (Resolved): VitaGist Beta Version 2 - Health Info - Immunization / Insurance - UI Issues for Document upload page.
Shobhika K
11:04 AM Health - VitaGist Bug #3175 (Resolved): VitaGist Beta Version 2 - unable to open the medications that were recently added.
Shobhika K

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