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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1880 iOS - Documents Feature New High Upload Document - Client/Firm - Enable download / Disable download no response. kumar r 08/06/2024 12:59 PM Actions
1873 Android - Matters Bug New Normal Legal /General Matter --> Matter Info --> Add opponent advocate issues Rajendra Sai 03/06/2023 04:39 AM Actions
1872 Android - Matters Bug New High Legal /General Matter --> Matter Info --> case number contains both alphabet and numbers, here not able to enter alphabets. It should allow the alphabets Rajendra Sai 03/06/2023 04:50 AM Actions
1868 Android - Matters Bug New Normal General matter --> Matter Info --> Start date and Close date is taken as today's default date and date validation is required for start and close date Rajendra Sai 03/02/2023 11:25 AM Actions
1867 Android - Matters Bug New Normal Legal matter --> Matter Info --> The date of filling is taken as today's default date and not able to select the future date Rajendra Sai 03/02/2023 11:20 AM Actions
1866 Android - Matters Bug New Normal Legal/ General matter --> Matter Info --> The hint name should be hidden from all input fields after entering data. Rajendra Sai 03/02/2023 11:19 AM Actions
1858 DevopsTasks Feature New High Automate the PROD deployment for all microservices. 02/27/2023 05:18 AM Actions
1857 DevopsTasks Feature New High Copy EC2 Prodsettings from prod to local repos in master branch. 02/27/2023 05:18 AM Actions
1856 V3 - Web - Relationships Bug New Normal Relationship Invitation - Individual - Email - Without click on search button , Invitation Form is disable but user can able to fill the form 02/23/2023 08:25 AM Actions
1855 V3 - Web - Relationships Bug New Normal Relationship Invitation - Individual / Entity - Enter the all Details - Chose the country(Select) - Choose the country error message should be display but success popup display 02/23/2023 07:42 AM Actions
1850 V3 - Web - Audit Trails Bug New Urgent Audit Trails - Category( Legal Matter and General Matter) -- Latest Audit for Legal and General Matter are not captured. 02/21/2023 09:50 AM Actions
1848 V3 - Web - Audit Trails Bug New Urgent Audit Trails - Category - Documents - Latest audit for documents [Upload and doing any actions] are not captured 02/21/2023 09:47 AM Actions
1847 iOS - Chat(Message) Feature Resolved Normal Messages - Client / Teams - Heading name and Search box is missing akhila bs 06/18/2024 02:59 PM Actions
1843 V3 - Web - Notifications Bug New High Notifications - Meeting Notification issue Sathish Kumar 02/28/2023 07:38 PM Actions
1839 Android - Relationships Bug New High View Relationships - Entity - More details -- Share button - Client / Firm document -- > Client / Group-related documents should appear Rajendra Sai 02/21/2023 05:16 AM Actions
1838 Android - Relationships Bug New Normal View relationships -- Entity --More details → Click on share button-- select some client documents/Firm documents to share --> Click on share → Documents are shared but error popup appears like "request failed /try again, contact support" Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 10:12 AM Actions
1837 Android - Relationships Bug New High View relationships -- Individual/Entity -- share -- share client documents/Firm documents --> Those documents are appearing in shared by us -->share button --> client /firm documents--> Already shared documents should not appear in in client/firm list Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 10:06 AM Actions
1836 Android - Relationships Bug New High View relationships -- Individual/ Entity -- share document --> Click on share button --> View button that appears in client /Firm documents is not working Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 09:56 AM Actions
1835 Android - Relationships Bug New Normal View relationships --> Entity-- When the user clicks on more details of accepted relationship, error message appears like " No value for first name" Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 09:47 AM Actions
1834 Android - Relationships Bug New Normal View Relationships --> Individual / Entity --> Click on More details -- Click on share document --> windows appearance issue Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 09:49 AM Actions
1833 Android - Relationships Bug New Normal Add relationships -- Individual [request] --> Accept the relationship after sending relationship request --> share the document from health, Legal and finance, personal, others in vita gist to lauditor --> No documents appears in shared with us window Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 09:19 AM Actions
1832 Android - Relationships Bug New High View relationships -- Individual /Entity -- share with us --> View button is not working. Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 09:00 AM Actions
1831 Android - Relationships Bug New Normal Relationships --> View relationships --> Individual / Entity --> Reminder button is not response 02/20/2023 08:53 AM Actions
1830 Android - Relationships Bug New Normal View relationships --> Individual --> Enter any random text or client name --> Switching the tab Add relationships or Entity --> View relationships --> Still, entered text appears in search bar. It should disappear. Same issue happens in Entity. Rajendra Sai 02/20/2023 08:18 AM Actions
1814 V3 - Web - Matter Management Bug New High Create Matter - Legal / General - Select all clients and then Remove the space from the search bar; a list should appear, but it does not appear. 03/17/2023 07:14 AM Actions
(676-700/1055) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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