Bug #3416
Document - View: While viewing a document, it automatically navigates to the Home screen on mobile. [If the documents are loading]
Added by Vengadeshwaran R 5 months ago.
Updated 4 months ago.
Steps :
1. Log in to Vitagist.
2. Click on Documents.
3. Select any Tag.
4. Open the document.
5. Click on View.
6. The document should be viewable, but it automatically navigates back to the Home Screen on mobile.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Bharathi Ganesh to Vengadeshwaran R
Steps :
1. Login to Vitagist.
2. Click on Documents.
3. Select any Tag.
4. Open the document.
5. Click on View near by the document name.
6. The document should be viewable, but it automatically navigates back to the Home Screen on mobile.
Note : This issue applicable for Connections - shared by me as well.
Note : Connections - share document as well.
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Resolved to New
- Assignee changed from Vengadeshwaran R to Bharathi Ganesh
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Bharathi Ganesh to Vengadeshwaran R
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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