

Bharathi Ganesh

  • Login: bharathiGanesh
  • Registered on: 03/22/2024
  • Last connection: 06/03/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 9 0 9
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
Lauditor V3 - Mobile - iOS Developer 04/03/2024
iOS - Calendar Developer 06/11/2024
iOS - Doc-Editor Developer 05/30/2024
iOS - Matters Developer 06/11/2024
iOS - Relationships Developer 04/03/2024
iOS - Team Member Developer 06/11/2024
iOS - Timesheet Developer 06/11/2024
iOS -Audit Trails Developer 06/11/2024
vitagist ios app Developer 03/22/2024



09:46 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2577 (Resolved): Connections - Encrypted files shared from Lauditor/ Conentcoffer - Document view doesn't work in conections - Empty file appears
Bharathi Ganesh
09:43 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2575 (Resolved): Health - Devices : Manual Device : Click add button , Select any one and click on cancel button. Cancel button does not respond.
Bharathi Ganesh
09:41 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2574 (Resolved): Document Upload - Identity Doc - PAN Card and Voter ID - PNA card and Voter ID has no expiration date. User unbale to proceed without expiration date
Bharathi Ganesh
09:38 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2572 (Resolved): Dashboard - When the request is sent from Lauditor /contentcoffer - Notification appears on dashboard , stays few seconds and disappears. When user naviages to Notifications and comes back to dashboard, again notifiation appears and disappers in few secs
Bharathi Ganesh
09:36 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2571 (Resolved): Dashboard - Request sent from Lauditor /ContentCoffer - If the client name is big, then the accept button is overlaped
Bharathi Ganesh
09:33 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2561 (Resolved): Edit Profile - General profile page - Country Afflliation - Phone numbers fields (Mobile phone , Work phone and Alternate phone) - Phone numbers are not restricted upto 10 /11/12 didgits. User can enter more than 12
Bharathi Ganesh
09:31 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2559 (Resolved): Edit Profile - General profile page - Height input field - Unit is missing
Bharathi Ganesh
09:29 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2536 (Resolved): Documents - Landing page issue - Entered details will disapper after clicking on cancel while browsing document from photo library and document selecion pages. After clicking on cancel, it lands to document listing page
Bharathi Ganesh
09:27 AM vitagist ios app Bug #2467 (Resolved): Document Module - Upload document (Idintity, Health, Legal, Finance, personal and Others) - when key board is open for entring the details, Header texts will overlap
Bharathi Ganesh

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