Bug #1025
Create Matter[legal]- matter info page - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed and Matter Tags is missing
Added by akhila bs over 2 years ago.
Updated about 2 years ago.
1. Login to Lauditor
2. Click on Matters
3. Click on date of filing
4. Select date
1. Date format displayed is incorrect. It should be in "dd/month/yyyy"
2."Matter Tags" is missing as per design
- File clipboard-202212291111-cmjvc.png clipboard-202212291111-cmjvc.png added
- Subject changed from Matter Management - Create matter screen - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed to Matter Management - Create matter screen - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed and Matter Tags is missing
- Description updated (diff)
- Subject changed from Matter Management - Create matter screen - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed and Matter Tags is missing to Create Matter- matter info page - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed and Matter Tags is missing
- Subject changed from Create Matter- matter info page - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed and Matter Tags is missing to Create Matter[legal]- matter info page - Date of filing - incorrect format of date is displayed and Matter Tags is missing
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