Bug #3830
openCreate : The left-side sequence should match the right-side preview. The order on the left should reflect in the preview.
1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the Doc Editor on the left sidebar.
3. Select the Create tab.
4. Click on Insert, then select Image multiple times to browse and upload the documents.
5. Click on Insert again, choose Page Break, and click on any section to add text.
6. Click Save and assign a document name.
7. In the preview on the right side,
8. Ensure that the document image appears in the correct order, before the page break, as it was added on the left side. The current issue is that the image appears after the page break.
[The sequence displayed on the left side should match the sequence shown in the preview on the right side.]
Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PpbDYd2P9ZAvNpPpG_uw7GSmH-VGiAgo/view?usp=drive_link