Bug #3695
openView Relationship : Exchange Information [Shared With us] - Members are not involved in the matter , but that matter related document is appear but it shouldn't appear.
Team Member A is assigned to Group A.
Content coffer belongs to both Group A and Group B.
1. Log in to Lauditor with either Team Member A or Group Head account.
2. Create a matter successfully with the following details:
Matter Name: Custody Case. and Client Name: Content Coffer and Group Name: Group A.
3. Log in to Lauditor with the Super User account, navigate to View Matter, and update the groups: * Remove Group A and assign Group B, then save the changes.
4. Log in to Lauditor with Team Member A's account.
5. Navigate to the Relationship section and view the relationship. Click on the Business tab.
6. Choose Content Coffer, click on Action, and select Exchange Information.
7. In the Shared with Us section, a document with Matter Name: Custody Case appears, shared by the Content Coffer member. However, this member should not have access to the matter after the group change, yet the document still appears. As the document should not be visible.
Note : This issue applicable for Team Member / Group Head.
Note : This issue applicable for Content coffer / Coffer Connect / DG Counsel Clients.
Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MwcW08s5BK9kBuP8lWd5n8VBEl7JjqX9/view?usp=drive_link