Bug #3484
Create Matter [Legal /General] : Case Title / Case number must be unique.
Added by Vengadeshwaran R 4 months ago.
Updated 9 days ago.
Steps :
1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the Menu and select 'Matter.'
3. Click on the 'Legal' or 'General Matter' tab, then click on the 'Create' button.
4. Fill in the mandatory fields: Case Title and Case Number, then click 'Save.' An error message should appear if the Case Title or Case Number already exists; otherwise, it should navigate to the next page.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Vengadeshwaran R
This issue also applies to View Matter - Edit Matter information.
Login to Lauditor
Click on Menu and Click on Matter
Click on View Matter and Choose any matter and click on action
Click on Edit matter
Fill in the mandatory fields: Case Title and Case Number, then click 'Save.' An error message should appear if the Case Title or Case Number already exists; otherwise, it should save it.
Note : Apply for both Legal and General Matter
- Status changed from Resolved to New
- Assignee changed from Vengadeshwaran R to kumar r
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee changed from kumar r to Vengadeshwaran R
Update local flow, for full fix need to fix with api.
The mentioned issues are working in staging as well. Please refer to the attachment.
- Assignee changed from Vengadeshwaran R to kumar r
- Priority changed from Normal to High
The mentioned issue is not working on iOS, but it works on the web Lauditor. Please refer to the attachment.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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