Bug #3453
closedSettings : The updated name should be reflected, but the old name still appears.[ Settings , Edit profile and Health info]
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1. Login to Vitagist.
2. Click on Edit Profile and then the right arrow.
3. Change the first and last name and save it.
Issue 1: On the same Settings page, the updated name is not reflected; the old name still appears.
Issue 2: Navigate to Health and click on Health Info—the updated first and last name should appear there as well, but old name still appear.
Issue 3: In My health info - If you change the first and last name and save it, the existing name still appears on the Settings page instead of the updated name.
Updated by Bharathi Ganesh 4 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Bharathi Ganesh to Vengadeshwaran R