Bug #3422
closedHealth - Immunization/Insurance: In the Identity section, if the document name is too long, it gets displayed in the Document Type field.
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1. Log in to Vitagist.
2. Click on Health.
3. Go to Health Info.
4. Scroll down
5. Click the (+) button under Immunization / Insurance, fill in all details, and click Save. Click Save again.
6. Click the right arrow on the recently created Immunization entry.
7. Click on Attach.
8. Choose Identity as the document type.
9. Select any document type. [Ex : passport]
10. Click on File and choose either a photo or document.
11. If the file name is long, it incorrectly appears in the Document Type field, but it should not appear.
Link -
Note : This issue applicable for Immunization/Insurance.
Updated by Bharathi Ganesh 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Bharathi Ganesh to Vengadeshwaran R