Bug #3349
closedCreate Matter [Legal /General] - Document : Documents related to the selected client and group should be displayed accordingly.
*Client Vengadesh belongs to both Group A and Group B.
The document "Test Doc A" was uploaded for Vengadesh under Group A.*
1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the Menu and select the Matter option.
3. Choose either the Legal or General Matter tab and click on the Create tab.
4. Fill in all the required fields under Matter Information and click Save.
5. Select the group and client, then click Add and Save. [Groups: Group A, Client: Vengadesh].
6. On the Document page, after selecting from the document dropdown, only documents related to [Selected Client + Selected Group] should appear, but unrelated documents are being listed instead.
Note : This issue applicable for View Matter [ View Details - Add Existing]
Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S7monzb17UyI0Um0oWzC7KJ2QnQxkT2V/view?usp=drive_link