Bug #3215
closedCreate Meetings [All type of events] - when clicking the Rsvp response in the email if the coffer connect as a guest of the event, It should navigate to coffer connect. But it navigates to Lauditor
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Meetings
3. Click on create
4. Create any type of event with coffer connect client
5. click on save
6. Coffer connect client is getting an email from Lauditor
7. In the email, Click on yes / No / May be
Issue - 1 : It should navigate to coffer connect. But it navigates to Lauditor
Note: Not working in production
Note: This issue is working for content coffer client
Issue - 2
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Meetings
3. Click on create
4. Create any type of event with Individual and Corporate client
5. click on save
6. Coffer connect client is getting an email from Lauditor
7. In the email, Other participants are empty
In other participants row in the email, the individual and corporate clients are missing even if they are included in the event.