Bug #2876
openUpload Document - Identity: The application crashes when the (x) button is clicked while scanning the passport.
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1. Log in to Vitagist.
2. Click on Documents.
3. Click on Identity.
4. Click on the (+) button.
5. Select the document type - Passport.
6. Click on File.
7. Click on "Passport Scanner."
8. Another barcode is scanned or a number is scanned at a time and the (x) button is clicked.
9. The application crashes.
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Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 6 months ago
- Subject changed from Upload Document - Identity: While scanning the passport, if the wrong barcode is scanned or a number is scanned one at a time and the (x) button is clicked, the application crashes. to Upload Document - Identity: While scanning the passport, if the wrong barcode is scanned or a number is scanned at a time and the (x) button is clicked, the application crashes.
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 6 months ago
- Subject changed from Upload Document - Identity: While scanning the passport, if the wrong barcode is scanned or a number is scanned at a time and the (x) button is clicked, the application crashes. to Upload Document - Identity: The application crashes when the (x) button is clicked while scanning the passport.
- Description updated (diff)