Bug #2738
openNotifications - If the user tries to create / delete the meeting that has multiple participants, notifications are getting duplicated multiple times for each accounts.
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
1. Login the Lauditor with GH user
2. Click on Meetings
3. Click on create
4. Create an any event with three participants [Add three team members]
5. Event is created successfully
6. Click on notifications
7. Invitation for that event are getting duplicated three times in all user types.
8. Click on view meetings
9. Click on delete
10. Again check the notifications module
canceled event notifications are duplicated three times.
If the user tries to create / delete the meeting that has multiple participants, notifications are getting duplicated multiple times for each accounts.
Updated by Neela Chinnappa 8 months ago
- File 1715076215825.jpg 1715076215825.jpg added