Bug #2881
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 6 months ago
For a driving license or passport, after selecting the camera, taking a photo, and clicking "Yes," the details should be filled in automatically, but they are not filled.
This issue applicable for Driving License and Passport.
1. Log in to Vitagist.
2. Click on Document.
3. Click on Identity.
4. Click on the (+) button.
5. Select the document type is passport.
6. Click on File
7. Click on "Camera"
8. Capture the image.
9. Click "Yes" button on Scanner popup.
10. Message appear "Can't able to process" but the document data should be captured.
Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GUtPGmq4d_wjc4kHxPNNMN7AK1FlNRbu/view?usp=drive_link