


Bug #2091

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 2 months ago

 Steps :  

 * Click on Upload 
 * Click on client or firm 
 * Select the client or firm 
 * Click on browser and Upload the one document [Ex:png] 
 * Click on Upload button 
 * Click on Upload more 
 * Click on browser and Upload the one document [Ex:pdf] 
 * Click on upload button 
 * Click on view changes  
 * click on action button 
 * click on view the second document , it will display the pdf file but it displayed the png files. 

 *It is applicable for all types of file combinations.  

 For example, 
  If you first upload an image and then uplod more . Upload    a CSV file, the second document should display the CSV file. However, it incorrectly displays the image instead.* 
