


Feature #2099

Updated by Neela Chinnappa 4 months ago

 Steps :  
 * click on Matter 
 * click on legal or general tab 
 * click on view 
 * click on actions 
 * click on closed matter 
 * click on ok button 
 * click on view matter list 
 * Again click on actions 
 * click on Re-open matter 
 * click on ok button 
 * click on view matter list  
 * Go to Meeting modules  
 * Click on create tab 
 * Select the event type - legal or general 
 * Select the matter name  
 * select the subject type , Date and Time 
 * Click on save button 
 * Click on matter modules 
 * Click on view matter  
 * click on view details  
 In the timeline, event timeline ,that entry should be added after reopening date in the timeline but it displayed before inside closed date. 

 Video link -
