


Bug #2764

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 5 months ago

Document - Select another country : When viewing the document and clicking the 'Back' button, it should not navigate to the primary country; it should navigate to the selected country. 

 * Login to Vitagist. 
 * Click on Documents tab below. 
 * Change the country. 
 * Select any tags. 
 * Click on that documents. 
 * Click on Back Button. 
 * It should navigate to the selected country, not to the primary country. 

 Another scenario Applicable for  

 After saving the document, it should navigate to the selected country, not to the primary country. 

 * Login to Vitagist. 
 * Click on Documents tab below. 
 * Change the country. 
 * Click on (+) add button. 
 * Select any document type. 
 * Click on File. 
 * Click on photo library. 
 * Select the document. 
 * Enter the document name and description. 
 * Click on Save. 
 * It should navigate to the selected country, not to the primary country.
