


Bug #2488

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 10 months ago


 * Login to Lauditor. 
 * Click on the Menu. 
 * Navigate to Documents. 
 * Select the Upload Tab. 
 * Select the Client Tab. 
 * Without selecting the client. 
 * Click on Browse. 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Select the document 
 * Again click on browse 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Select the document 
 * Second time uploaded document does not appear but it should appear. 

 Another Scenario  


 * Login to Lauditor. 
 * Click on the Menu. 
 * Navigate to Documents. 
 * Select the Upload Tab. 
 * Select the Client Tab. 
 * Select the client name from the dropdown. [Not involved any matter] 
 * Click on Browse. 
 * Access dropdown (or) without selecting the Photo Library. 
 * Select the document. 
 * Again click on browse 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Select the document. 
 * Second time uploaded document does not appear but it should appear. 

 Another Sceanario  

 * Login to Lauditor. 
 * Click on the Menu. 
 * Navigate to Documents. 
 * Select the Upload Tab. 
 * Select the Client Tab. 
 * Select the client name from the dropdown.[Select Matter related client] 
 * Click on Browse. 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Select the document 
 * Change the client name from the dropdown.[Not involved any matter] dropdown 
 * Again click on browse 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Select the document 
 * Second time uploaded document does not appear but it should appear. 
