


Bug #2581

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 5 months ago

 Steps :  

 * Log in to Lauditor. 
 * Click on the Menu. 
 * Navigate to Documents. 
 * Select the Upload Tab. 
 * Choose either the Client or Firm Tab. 
 * Click on Browse. 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Click on the Add Tag Tab. 
 * Select the document. 
 * Click on the Add Tag button. 
 * Enter the text in the Tag Type and Tag fields. 
 * Click on the Add button. 
 * Enter the text in the Tag Type and Tag fields. 
 * Click on the Add button. 
 * Remove the tags one by one. 
 * While removing the all tag, the application crashes. 

 Another Scenario :  

 Steps :  

 * Log in to Lauditor. 
 * Click on the Menu. 
 * Navigate to Documents. 
 * Select the Upload Tab. 
 * Choose either the Client or Firm Tab. 
 * Click on Browse. 
 * Access the Photo Library. 
 * Click on the Add Tag Tab. 
 * Select the document. 
 * Click on the Add Tag button. 
 * Enter the text in the Tag Type and Tag fields. 
 * Click on the Add button. 
 * Enter the text in the Tag Type and Tag fields. 
 * Click on the Add button. 
 * Remove the first tag. 
 * While editing the second tag, the application crashes. 
