


Bug #2423

Updated by Neela Chinnappa 3 months ago

Client: Business client - content or coffer  
 Document: File - A 
 Matter name: land adoption case 

 1. Login to Lauditor 
 2. Click on Documents module 
 3. Click on upload - client 
 4. Upload the File - A for Coffer connect or content coffer client [uploaded successfully] 
 5. Click on Relationships 
 6. Click on View Relationships  
 7. Click on Exchange Information - share by us 
 8. Select the File A to share [now file A is independent of any matter] 
 9. Click on share [document is shared successfully] 
 10. Click on Matters 
 11. Click on Legal/General - Create 
 12. Create a matter *Land adoption case* with that coffer or content client 
 13. Attach the File A to this matter [Matter creation is done] 
 14. Click on Relationships 
 15. Click on View Relationships 
 16. Click on Exchange Information - share by us 
 17. For File A, Confidential Label with matter name should be updated. 

 *Expectation* : The moment, the document is attached to the matter, Confidential label should be updated in view relationships[It should be matter level security] 
 *Actual* : Confidential label is not updated if the document is already on the shared list for all users [SU /GH/TM] list.
