


Bug #1636

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R almost 2 years ago

Click on Relationship 
 Click on View Relationship 
 Click on Individuals / Businesses 
 Click on Action 
 Click on Exchange Information 
 Click on Shared by us 
 In Share Documents  
 In Shared Documents - Client / Firm also  

 1.Alignment is not proper, Follow the design. 

 2.Colors and Highlighted colors should change as per design. 

 3.Search button and Advance search , Client name , Dash line is missing. 

 4.Icon image is missing on Share , Unshare and View. 

 5.Change the text inside the search bar "Search Group" to "Search" as per design   

 6.Change the column name "shared on " to "Created on" [share documents] 

 7.Change the background color for share when it was disable 

 --> The above related issue should change to Businesses also
