


Bug #1403

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R almost 2 years ago

Click on Groups 
 Click on View Groups 
 Click on Action 
 Click on Delete Groups 
 Select the Groups 
 Click on submit 
 Confirmation popup 

 1.Close(X) button should appear on the right side of the confirmation popup 
 2.Confirmation heading comes on left side as per design 
 3.Confirmation texts will come on left side as per design 
 4.Confirmation popup question mark is missing in the text "Are you sure you want to delete <Group name> group ?" 
 5.Confirmation popup , Change the color for Yes and No button as per design 
 6.Confirmation popup , Need space for Yes and No button as per design 
 7.Confirmation popup ,Delete groups name not appear ,Assign name appeared. 
