


Bug #962

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R over 2 years ago

Tested in Chrome,Firefox and Edge 
 Accounts - Super user, Group head and Team Member 
 1. Login to Lauditor 
 2. Click on Relationships 
 3. Click on Add relationship 
 4. Click on Entity 
 5. Enter few letter of the entity name - Auto populate list will be displayed 
 6. Mouse hover on any entity name  
 Entity should get highlighted with blue colour as per the design 

 1.Entity search !clipboard-202209292242-jfu0q.png! 

 Super User - auto populate list Id : | Password : Test@123 
 Group Head - When User tries to    select the entity in the list , Mouse hovering on any entity , Entity should highlight with blue colour. Id:| Password :Test@123 
 2.Change colour of the Hints / Header of every field. 	
 3.When groups are selected , Mouse hovering on any group , it should get Highligted with blue colour as per the design. 	
 4.Change the color for "Send Request" as per design. 
 5.Lable change " Assign the groups" to "    Assign the Group(s)". 
 6.Lable change "Selected Groups(s)" to "Selected Group(s)". 
 Team Member : Id- |Password :Test@123
