Bug #910
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R about 2 years ago
Tested in Chrome,FireFox,Edge Account -Admin /Super User Login to Lauditor Click on Relationships Click on Add Relationships Click on Individual (or) Entity [Invitation,Request] 1. Spacing Need gap between the fields "Relationships (Panel) [Dashboard] " Header "Relationships" to "Add Relationship" as per design 2. First letter "R" should be capaital "Add relationship" and "View relationship" as per design 3. Header "s" [Relationship] is missing in "View relationship" as per design 4. "Add Relationship" and "View Relationship" box size should equal and even as per design 5. Spacing between the fields "Add Relationship"/ "View Relationship" Admin - to "Individual","Entity" as per design Id : muskan.mathur98@gmail.com | Password : Test@123 6. "Individual","Entity","External Partner" and all box size should equal and even as per design 7. Spacing between the fields "Individual","Entity" to " Search bar " as per design 8. Without enter the mail in search bar Super User - Click on search bar - Error message appear but background frame Ex["first name"] move up and Down Id : parinitha9413@gmail.com | Password : Test@123