


Bug #1419

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R over 2 years ago

Click on Groups 
 Click on Create Groups  
 Enter the Name and Description 
 Click on Save-> Success popup 

 1.Success message come to left side as per design 
 2.Congratulations -->one line, && you have-->second line,,&& Group name -->Third line as per design and left side display 
 3.Need space in between "Add Groups" to "View Changes" as per design 
 4.Change the font size and bold letter as per design 
 5.Change the box size as per design 

 After the Select the team members and Group head and Save and Success popup 
 Click on Add Group Members 
 Select the members[Add Group Members] 
 Click on Done[Add Group Members] 
 Click on Done[Selected Group Members] 
 Select the group head  
 Click on done[assign group head]--> Success popup 

 Above same numbers 1,2,3,4,5  

 6.Select team members count doesnot appear [and added 3(count) numbers.] text is missing 
