


Bug #1381

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R almost 2 years ago

Click on Groups 
 Click on View Groups 

 1.Created date and year not appear in View Groups page [Created] 
 2.Lock symbol is missing in AAM and Super User groups 
 3.All letters should be bold as per design 
 4.Section Lines are not displayed between Name, Description, Group Head, Created date and Number of members as per design 
 5.Color of up and down arrow mark which is near the title name should be in light grey color 
 6.Alphabet    's' is missing in View Groups 
 7.title name-->'Description' is spelling mistake 
 8.Every Groups name details should be display Frame background is grey (or) white color as per design. 
 9. AAM and Super User groups should be appear default on first two rows 1st and 2nd in view Group as per design. 
