


Bug #1396

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R almost 2 years ago

Click on Groups  
 Click on View Groups !clipboard-202211181120-qfcjw.png! 
 Click on Action !clipboard-202211181121-stgdf.png! 
 Click on Delete Group 
 1.Change hint name of search bar "Search Group" to Type to select as per design 
 2.Word “group” is missing in the title "<Group name> contains" .Expect title: "<Group name> group contains" 
 3.Can able to adjust the size of description box 
 4.According to the design, arrange the fields like this order Documents, Matters, Client, Team Members fields not appear 
 5.Need equal gap between Documents, Matters, Client and Team Members 
 6.Add the colon symbol in “< Group name> contains” and “Assign to another active group” field as per design 
 7.Remove the colon symbol in Group Name and Description field 
 8.Mandatory(*) symbol is missing in Group name and Description field 
