


Feature #3693

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 3 months ago


 1. Log in to **Lauditor**.   

 2. Navigate to the **Meetings** module.   

 3. Select any event, fill in the required details, and save.   
    - **Event**: Legal and **Matter Name**: Civil and **Task**: Hearing and **Date**: December 12, 2024    and **Time**: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.   

 4. Repeat Step 3, but this time use the following details:   
    - **Event**: Legal and **Matter Name**: Civil and **Task**: Hearing and **Date**: December 12, 2024    and **Time**: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.   
 5. Navigate to the **Timesheet** module.   

 6. Go to the **My Timesheet** section and click on the **Not Submitted** tab.  
 7. In the list of entries, the user should be able to delete the specific meeting time:   
    - **Event**: Legal and **Matter Name**: Civil and **Task**: Hearing and **Date**: December 12, 2024    and **Time**: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.   
