


Bug #3689

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 3 months ago


 1. Log in to Lauditor using a Super User account. 
 2. Navigate to the Matter module on the left side.
 3. Create a matter successfully with the following details: 
 * Matter Name: Custody Case , Client Name: Client A , Group Name: Group A , Document Name: Doc A. 

 4. In the Document module: 
     * Team Member A selects the client and matter. 
     * Deletes the document (Doc A). 

 5. Go back to the View Matter section: 
     * Select the recently created matter and Click on View Details. 
     * Open the Documents tab and click on the Add Existing tab. / Applicable for Upload new as well. 
     * Select a document (Doc B) on the right side and click Submit. 

 6. Return to the Document module: 
     * Team Member A selects the client and matters again. 
     * Deletes the newly added document (Doc B). 

 7. In the Document module: 
     * Click View Tab and Delete Tab. 
     * Restore Doc A and Doc B. 

 8. Go back to view matter and Click on View Details and navigate to the Documents tab in the matter details. 
     * Doc A and Doc B should appear in the list, but Doc A does not appear. 


 Another Scenario :* 




 1. Log in to Lauditor using a Super User account. 
 2. account.
2. Navigate to the Matter module on the left side. 
 3. side.
3. Create a matter successfully with the following details: 
 * Matter Name: Custody Case , Client Name: Client A , Group Name: Group A , Document Name: Doc A. 

 4. In the Document module: 
     * Team Member A selects the client and matter. 
     * Deletes the document (Doc A). 

 5. Go back to the View Matter section: 
     * Select the recently created matter and Click on View Details. 
     * Open the Documents tab and click on Upload new . 
     * Click on browse and Choose a documents(Doc B) and upload it and click Submit. 

 6. Return to the Document module: 
     * Team Member A selects the client and matters again. 
     * Deletes the newly added document (Doc B). 

 7. In the Document module: 
     * Click View Tab and Delete Tab. 
     * Restore Doc A and Doc B. 

 8. Go back to view matter and Click on View Details and navigate to the Documents tab in the matter details. 
     * Doc A and Doc B should appear in the list, but Doc A does not appear. 

 Note : This issue applicable for all clients and all user accounts and Legal / General. 

 Note : Applicable for Meetings [Create / Edit] modules. 

 Link - 

 Note : This issue applicable for all clients and all user accounts. 

 Note : Applicable for meetings modules. 
