Feature #2187
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 5 months ago
1. Login to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the Meeting module and click on the "Create" tab.
3. Create a meeting and save it. [Meeting date: 11/10/2024].
4. Reopen the same meeting, edit the date to 20/10/2024, and save the changes.
5. Go to the Timesheet section.
6. Click on the "My Timesheet" tab.
7. Select the "Not Submitted" tab.
The updated meeting date should be displayed, but the original created date still appears.
Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-iNSnJDoDel8cdJ3YmwQIOMKlQPHbDHl/view?usp=drive_link