Bug #3866
closedCreate Matter [ Legal / General] : Default First Name Selected When Adding Corporate Clients to Selected List.
1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Go to the Matter module on the left side.
3. Click on the "Create" tab.
4. Fill in the mandatory fields on the Matter Info page and click "Next."
5. On the Client page, select the "Corporate Clients" tab.
6. Choose any client from the dropdown, click "Add to Selected Clients," and then remove it from the left side.
7. Currently, when "Add to Selected Clients" is clicked, the first name is selected by default. Instead, the field should remain empty by default.
Issue 2 :
1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the Matter module on the left side.
3. Click on the "Create" tab.
4. Complete the mandatory fields on the Matter Info page and click "Next."
5. On the Client page, open the "Corporate Clients" tab.
6. Select any client from the dropdown, click "Add to Selected Clients," and then remove it from the left side.
7. Switch to the "Add Clients" tab and then return to the "Corporate Clients" tab.
8. The "Add to Selected Clients" button should be disabled, but it remains enabled.
Updated by Soundarya Vembaiyan about 2 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Soundarya Vembaiyan to Vengadeshwaran R
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R about 2 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed