Bug #3852
openView - Deleted Tab - Restore / Delete : Change the text in alert popup.
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Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Documents module
3. Click on view
4. Click on Delete tab
5. Choose any document and Click on delete.
In the Alert popup ,
For Delete the document - Change to "Are you sure to Permenantly delete 'document name' document?" to "Are you sure to permenantly delete document?" should appear.
For Restore the document - Change to "Are you sure to restore 'document name' document?" to "Are you sure to restore document?"
Note : This issue applicable for Restore Document.
Updated by kumar r 4 days ago
- File Simulator Screenshot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2025-01-02 at 15.54.37.png Simulator Screenshot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2025-01-02 at 15.54.37.png added
- File Simulator Screenshot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2025-01-02 at 15.54.31.png Simulator Screenshot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2025-01-02 at 15.54.31.png added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from kumar r to Vengadeshwaran R