Bug #3786
closedCreate Matter - Legal / General - During matter creation, Groups section displays Incorrect groups when adding existing temporary client to a new matter
Member [Anya] belongs to three groups [Group A, Selective group]
Four groups [Group A, Selective Group, Group B, Intellectual Law] are in Super user account.
1. Login the Lauditor with Team member account [Anya user]
2. Click on Matters
3. Click on Create - Legal / General [ Matter name: Matter A ]
4. In this matter - combination of temp and regular clients are attached as client [ Open the temporary form, fill the required details and save it]
5. Matter creation is finished [ Now the temporary client [Jackson]takes the user groups in view relationships]
6. Login the Lauditor with Super user account
7. Click on matters
8. Click on create - Legal/ General] [ New matter name is: Matter B ]
9. During matter creation, add the temporary client Jackson to the new matter
10. Click on next
Actual : Groups Section Displays All Four Groups from Super User Account
Expected : Intersection of the temporary client's groups and the Super user groups [Group A, Selective group] should be displayed in group section
When involving an existing temporary client in a new matter, the Groups section should display only the groups that are the intersection of the temporary client's groups and the groups of the logged-in user
Updated by muskan mathur about 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from muskan mathur to Vengadeshwaran R
Updated by Neela Chinnappa about 2 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed