Bug #3748
closedAdd Relationships - Individual [Invitation] - An Invalid error message appears when email and confirm email is not entered
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Add relationships
3. Click on Entity tab
4. Enter the new name and search [Not found error appears]
5. Select groups [click on checkbox]
5. Switch to Individual tab
6. Enter the new email id and search [Not found error appears]
Below email and confirm email field should not allow to edit, But Both fields are editable
7. Remove the email and confirm email fields
8. Fill the mandatory fields other than email and confirm email
9. Select Groups
10. Click on send request
An Invalid error message appears like Jason format. Valid alert should appear
11. Enter the email id only do not fill confirm email id
12. Click on send request
Invitation sent successfully even though the confirm email field is empty. Validation for confirm email field should be implemented. If confirm email does not match with email, invitation sent successfully, it should be restricted.