Bug #3712
openEmail - Compose: The Save button does not respond when multiple email IDs are entered in the TO field.
1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Navigate to the Email section.
3. Select any email and click Continue.
4. Click Compose and fill in all the details.
5. In the TO field, multiple email IDs should be allowed. However, currently, after entering multiple email IDs, the Send button does not respond.
Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/14FW0gLoqfQ2WfVcXUb1ZoGD42FELrvuG/view?usp=drive_link
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 3 months ago
- Subject changed from Email - Compose: The Save button does not respond when multiple email IDs are entered in the **TO** field. to Email - Compose: The Save button does not respond when multiple email IDs are entered in the TO field.
Updated by Soundarya Vembaiyan 2 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Soundarya Vembaiyan to Vengadeshwaran R
Updated by Anantha kumar 2 months ago
- File bandicam 2024-12-18 08-43-25-701.mp4 bandicam 2024-12-18 08-43-25-701.mp4 added
- Status changed from Resolved to New
- Assignee changed from Vengadeshwaran R to Soundarya Vembaiyan
Email (Compose):- In Outlook, the user is unable to compose emails. When clicking the send button, an alert message is displayed saying 'Mail not sent successfully'.
1.Login with Lauditor
2.Go to the emails Module
3.Select the Outlook radio button
4.Select the Email account
5.Click on compose button
6.Enter the Email id details
7.Attach some client files
8.click on send button
9.There shows the alert message as 'Mail not sent successfully'
Expected:- The user able to send the message through Outlook in Emails module.
Updated by Anantha kumar 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from Soundarya Vembaiyan to Sathish Kumar