Bug #3681
openCreate Meetings - Legal / General - Corporate clients are not listed during event creation, even though they involve in the matters
Scenario - 1
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Matters
3. Click on Create
4. Create a matter with Corporate client and Team member only [matter creation is finished successfully]
5. Navigate to meetings module
6. Click on create
7. Select the recently created matter, task and mandatory fields
No fields such as Add Team members, and Add corporate clients are visible below
Scenario - 2:
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Matters
3. Click on Create
4. Create a matter with Entity, Individuals, Corporate client and Team member [matter creation is finished successfully]
5. Navigate to meetings module
6. Click on create
7. Select the recently created matter, task and mandatory fields
8. Click on drop down of add Corporate client field
Corporate client who are involved in the matter are not listed below, instead Individual client appears in corporate drop down. But they should appear.
Scenario - 3
Create Meetings - Overhead /Others / Corporate - Corporate clients and Individual client name are not displayed in view meetings, even though they involve in the Event
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on meetings
3. Click on create [Overhead /Others / Reminders]
4. Create an event with Team member, entity client, Corporate, and Individuals
5. Click on save
6. Select the same event in view
7. Click on view more
Added corporate and Individual clients are not displayed. Entity clients and Team members are only displayed in view page. All participants who involved in the meetings should be displayed in the view page.