Bug #3543
closedVitagist-Android-Production(Care Plan):-When the user tries to change the exercise distance value to weight, an invalid error message appears. It should be restricted.
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Updated by Neela Chinnappa 4 months ago
- File Screenrecorder-2024-11-14-18-32-41-549.mp4 Screenrecorder-2024-11-14-18-32-41-549.mp4 added
- Description updated (diff)
Issue - 1 : When switching the exercise type from a distance value to a weight value, the save button becomes unresponsive.
1. Login the VitaGist
2. Click on health
3. Click on Care plan
4. Click on add button in exercise
5. enter the title
6. Enter the distance
7. Select Km or steps
8. Click on save
9. Reopen the same exercise
10. Remove the distance
11. Add the weight value
Care plan should be updated with weight value. But save button at the top does not respond
Updated by Shobhika K 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Shobhika K to Neela Chinnappa