Bug #3498
openAV chat - During the call, profiles are getting duplicated when navigating back and forward
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Chat
3. Open the AV chat
4. Make a call to anyone person who are in online
5. After joining the call, navigate back and forward [browser back and forward button]
Issue - 1 :When someone navigates back and forth, their profile gets duplicated, and the duplicate profiles are visible to everyone on the call.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kyGUwDsQMwNwLdbJAFa915Prey-WDLfS/view?usp=drive_link [ Issue - 1 ]
Issue - 2 : Additionally, Even after the person who navigated back and forth disconnects and rejoins the call, the old duplicated profiles remain visible.
Issue - 3 : The bottom menus are not functioning when profiles appear just above the bottom toolbar.
Updated by Sathish Kumar 4 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Note: The Back button should not be used in the Chat, which we don't normally do in google chat etc.
The issue is fixed in the Frontend. Clicking on back. button will exit the present chat session.
The issue is pushed to staging.
Updated by Sathish Kumar 4 months ago
- Assignee changed from Sathish Kumar to Neela Chinnappa