Bug #3487
openEmail - Document Upload : The 'Select Group' field is missing after choosing a client from the client dropdown.
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1. Log in to Lauditor.
2. Go to the Menu and select 'Email.'
3. Choose any document
4. Select the client from the dropdown.
5. The 'Select Group' field is missing but it should appear.
Updated by kumar r 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee changed from kumar r to Vengadeshwaran R
Email document upload form design based on the doc module old design, as per the new changes in client have the "Matter" and "Group" selection. We need to change the email document upload like doc module or only add the group selection based on the client selection confirm to work. I am try to check the email module in web not able to as google account please too..,