Bug #2498
Timesheets (Non submitted - Flow ):- Unable to create the same project and same task with different statuses
Added by Anantha kumar 11 months ago.
Updated about 1 month ago.
1.Click on timesheets Menu.
2.Select Non submitted tab
3.Select the project Legal/General
4.Select consultations in task selection dropdown
5.Select the status as Billable
6.Enter all fields and save it
7.Again, create the same entry and change the status as non-billable and save it
8.Recently created the timesheet entry updated in the existing entry.
9.Unable to create same project and task with different status
- Assignee set to Arun Sundar
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Arun Sundar to Anantha kumar
Try to create the same project, task with different status 'Billable or Non Billable'
The mentioned issue is not fixed, please refer the videos attached.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Arun Sundar to Vengadeshwaran R
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Vengadeshwaran R to Arun Sundar
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Arun Sundar to Anantha kumar
The same issue is replicated in IOS and WEB also. We are not able to create the same project, task with different status 'Billable or Non Billable'.
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