Bug #2450
openView Relationships[Share by us] - When first logging into Lauditor as a super user, documents are duplicated in both shared and unshared lists. Upon revisiting for the same client,documents only appear in the shared list.For first time only it will happen
Super User Specification: When a super user logs in to "lauditor" for the first time, documents will be duplicated. However, this duplication will not occur upon subsequent logins.
Credentials are used
bapaj51990@azduan.com - Lauditor Super User
xikaxi3403@wiemei.com - Coffer connect Super User
gavowe3159@ekposta.com - Content coffer super User
1. Login to Lauditor with Super user
2. Click on Relationships
3. Click on view Relationships
4. Select any business client [coffer /content]
5. Click on Exchange Information
6. Click on share by us
Documents are duplicated in both shared and unshared lists. when revisiting the same documents for the same client, documents are only appear in shared list.
In Lauditor
In coffer connect
In content coffer
Updated by Neela Chinnappa 11 months ago
User keeps encountering the same issue repeatedly
Super User Specification: When a super user logs in to "lauditor" for the first time, documents will be duplicated. However, this duplication will not occur upon subsequent logins.