Bug #2417
openAfter creating a team member account , they will receive an email. In the email , Broken image appears in the right corner bottom . [This issues applicable for all products - Both Staging and Production ]
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DG Production
Coffer Connect Production
Content Coffer prod
This issue applicable for all product both staging and production
On DG Counsel , After creating account, they will receive an email. In the email , From id should change lauditor to DG Counsels. [This issue on DG Counsel Only]
Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 10 months ago
- Subject changed from After creating a team member account , they will receive an email. In the email , Broken image appears in the right corner bottom . [This issues applicable for all products] to After creating a team member account , they will receive an email. In the email , Broken image appears in the right corner bottom . [This issues applicable for all products - Both Staging and Production ]
- Description updated (diff)