Bug #2280
closedDashboard - Team Member account - Pending and Submitted Timesheet Cards - Display of dates is not functioning properly
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- When user Logins to the Team member account , Pending or Submitted timesheet crads (one of these cards)shows "No Timesheets" even though data for Pending or Submitted timesheet crads are present.
Case1: If Submitted timesheet card shows "No Timesheet" --> after user submittes one of the timesheet --> Submittted card gets date on the dashboard, but "Pending Timesheet" cards data changes to "No Timesheet".
Case2: If Pendidng timesheet card shows "No Timesheet" --> add number of hours to the timesheet --> Then dates on the dashboard will be displayed
Updated by Soundarya Vembaiyan 21 days ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Soundarya Vembaiyan to Vengadeshwaran R