Feature #2019
openDelete meetings: 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear if the repetition event is selected to delete
Start date:
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% Done:
Estimated time:
1. Click on meetings
2. Create any event with weekly repetition and save the event
3. Click on view
3. Select that weekly event
4. Click on delete button
5. Click on yes in 'confirmation popup'
Actual : That particular event will be deleted.
Expectation : 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear, that popup should contains "This Event and This and following events and All Events"
Updated by Neela Chinnappa about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Delete meetings - user tries to delete the repetition event, 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear, but the popup does not appear to Delete meetings: If the user tries to delete the repetition event, only that particular event will be deleted. The 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear.
Updated by Neela Chinnappa about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Delete meetings: If the user tries to delete the repetition event, only that particular event will be deleted. The 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear. to Delete meetings: If the user tries to delete the repetition event, only that particular event will be deleted. 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear.
Updated by Neela Chinnappa about 1 year ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by Neela Chinnappa 5 months ago
- Subject changed from Delete meetings: If the user tries to delete the repetition event, only that particular event will be deleted. 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear. to Delete meetings: 'Delete recurring event' popup should appear if the repetition event is selected to delete