


Bug #2056

Updated by Neela Chinnappa 3 months ago

 Issues 1 :  
     View Details [Document-Upload new)- new+)- Without selecting the document, the add button should be disabled for add tags. 

 1. Login the Lauditor 
 2. Click on Matters - View 
 3. Click on Actions - Documents 
 4. Click on Upload new 
 5. Browse few documents 
 6. Click on Add Tags 

 Actual: ADD button for tags is visible without checking the checkbox 

 Expect:" *ADD* " button for tag should be hidden until the user checks the checkbox that appears on the selected document. 

 Issues 2 :  
      View Details [Document-Upload new) - The user is able to new+) -While clicking on the save button, without giving input entering any text in tag types or tags, but an error message should appear 

 1. Login the Lauditor 
 2. Click on Matters - View 
 3. Click on Actions - Documents 
 4. Click on Upload new 
 5. Browse few documents 
 6. Click on Add Tags 
 7. Click on ADD 
 8. Click on save without filling tag type and tag  

 Actual: The user is able to save without giving input in tag types or tags 

 Expectation: An Error should appear when trying to save without input. 

