


Feature #2918

Updated by akhila bs 27 days ago

Create Matter (Legal/General) 
 1. Login to Lauditor 
 2. Click on Matters 
 3. Click on Create tab 
 4. Click on Legal/general tab 
 5. Enter the required details 
 6. Select groups - Next 
 7. Select Clients 
 8. Select TM (Optional) 
 In Document section , Merge PDF documents are Not Avaliable for attaching to Matters 

 *Veiw details (Legal/General matters)* 
 1. Login to Lauditor 
 2. Click on Matters 
 3. Select View details Tab 
 4. Click on Legal/general tab 
 5. Click on action button 
 6. Click on View details 
 7. Click on Document Tab 
 In Document section , Merge PDF documents are Not Avaliable for attaching to Matters
