


Bug #2827

Updated by Neela Chinnappa about 2 months ago

Team member A belongs to Group A 
 Team member B belongs to Group B 

 Client A belongs to Group A only 

 1. Login the lauditor with Team member A 
 2. Click on Invoices 
 3. Click on create 
 4. Select the Client A 
 5. Fill all the mandatory fields 
 6. Click on save 
 7. Login the lauditor with Team member B 
 8. Click on Invoices 
 9. Click on view 

 Team member B is able to see the invoices that is created by the team member A and also can share it with client 

 Invoices also should come under matter level security 

 The Invoices created by members of one group should not accessible to members of another group
